Een langlopende samenwerking met ICS
Een groot en complex project binnen onze samenwerking met International Card Services (ICS), is hun nieuwe vlaggenschip: Voor dit project kregen wij de vraag: Hoe kunnen we online (potentiële) credit card gebruikers informeren en ondertussen de verkoop en conversieratio verhogen?

De samenwerking met ICS ontstond een paar jaar geleden toen wij gevraagd werden deel te nemen aan een van hun projecten. Onze expertise op het gebied van ontwerp en frontend zou de perfecte aanvulling zijn. Samen met de backend development van Clixicon, de marktinzichten van ICS en de kennis over conversieverbetering van Online Dialog ontstond een veelbelovende samenwerking.

Campaign site for VISA Worldcard
One of the biggest projects we have done with ICS is making the existing VISA World Card website responsive. It was quite a challenge to communicate the extensive features of their products in the clearest way possible while ensuring that it became responsive on any screen size.
Designing a clear structure
There was such a large amount of information available that the first step was to break all this information down into smaller portions. When information is presented in small portions, the brain can process it more quickly and easily.
Making it visually appealing
Next, a new online style had to be designed. For this, we used "storytelling" to clearly convey the message of ICS to its online visitors.
By laying out paragraphs spatially and using lots of white in the background, the website was given a clean and uncluttered look. This would not only ensure that the message would be conveyed more clearly, it would also contribute to increasing the conversion rate.
Another element that was important for the conversion rate was the use of color. Call-to-Action buttons, for example, had to stand out but not come across as intrusive. The color orange, which was already included in the ICS corporate identity, lent itself perfectly to such action elements.
Één sjabloon voor toekomstige projecten
Omdat het design en onze aanpak succesvol bleken, diende het sindsdien als een template voor andere sites en pagina's van ICS waar we aan hebben gewerkt.
Campaign and acquisition website for Revolving Credit
In 2015, ICS launched a new product: revolving credit. With this service, ICS offers the ability to convert debts with several debtors into one loan at a lower interest rate. Given that this was a new product, there was a lot to explain. How does it work? What is the benefit? When can I use this? How much will it cost? These are just a few examples of the many questions people had. To answer all these questions, we introduced "widgets. These allow the user to do complicated calculations without too much effort. It also provides insight into the various benefits of the product.
Mobile first
After mapping out customer journeys, it became clear that it is very likely that the user will first interact with the site via his or her cell phone during the orientation phase. To ensure that the site would also be easily accessible and reachable on a phone, we used the "mobile first" approach. This means that we set up the mobile structure first and only then worked out the desktop version.
Making the application process easier
While filling out the widgets, a lot of information is given about the user's requirements regarding the product. This information is also needed while filling out the application form. To accommodate the user during this process, we can reuse the previously entered information here.
We have reduced the original, fairly complicated application process to a form of only three steps. Here only the most relevant questions are asked based on previous actions.
Testing and fine-tuning
Nothing is perfect overnight. After working out the first design and putting it online on a staging environment, it was time for a test. This test was conducted by Valsplat, an expert in the field of user testing. The outcome and the resulting advice was used to optimize the functionality and content for the live environment.